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EU Single Sky Performance
  • Expert meetings

Germany: Stakeholder consultation on the draft performance plan for RP4 and unit rate for 2025

The German stakeholder consultation meeting on national aspects of the draft performance plan for the fourth reference period. will be held in English and will take place on Thursday, 08 August 2024, from 10.00h to 17.30h at Bundesaufsichtsamt für Flugsicherung, Monzastraße 1, 63225, Langen, Germany.

Consultation on en-route capacity and the remaining key performance areas will be held on 4 September 2024 in Luxembourg. En-route capacity will be touched upon as far as necessary to explain certain aspects within the scope of this stakeholder consultation meeting. 

The consultation will be held as face-to-face-event, a possibility for hybrid participation will be made available to registered participants upon individual request. Please take note that on-site participants may still have some advantages due to the technical accommodations in place. Please confirm your participation by email to: WAatbaf [dot] bund [dot] de (WA[at]baf[dot]bund[dot]de) until Monday, 29 July 2024 (COB), providing the following information: 
Name, Organisation, position, email address, telephone number, physical or virtual attendance. 

To optimise the consultation meeting and to allow for thorough preparation, you are invited to submit written comments at your earliest convenience in order for us to consider them accordingly. Please send these comments to: WAatbaf [dot] bund [dot] de (WA[at]baf[dot]bund[dot]de)

  • European official
  • Thursday 8 August 2024, 10:00 - 17:30 (CEST)
  • Langen (Hessen), Germany

Practical information

Thursday 8 August 2024, 10:00 - 17:30 (CEST)
Federal Supervisory Authority for Air Navigation Services
Monzastraße 1, 63225 Langen (Hessen), Germany