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Published Performance Plans (30)
RSSThis division mainly deals with the tasks of the higher authority, safety management and air traffic control matters.
- Performance Plans
- Member States
Framework Regulation (EC) No. 549/2004 provides for the establishment of a performance system for ATM/ANS service providers that includes safety, environmental, capacity and economic efficiency targets.
- Performance Plans
- Member States
COMMISSION DECISION (EU) 2022/778 of 13 April 2022 on the consistency of the performance targets included in the draft performance plan submitted by Bulgaria pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 549/2004
- Performance Plans
- Member States
ATM/ANS Department performs administrative and professional activities within the jurisdiction of Croatian Civil Aviation Agency as the National Supervisory Authority (NSA)
- Performance Plans
- Member States
Air Navigation Services Department of the CAA Czech Republic would like to inform airspace users about publication Performance plan of the Czech Republic for the third reference period (2020-2024) draft in accordance with point c) Art. 38 of COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/317 of 11 Feb
- Performance Plans
- Member States
EU-Kommissionen har godkendt den danske præstationsplan for tredje referenceperiode (RP3). Præstationsplanen er en del af Single European Sky (SES) initiativet og fastlægger bindende mål for styringen af luftrummet.
- Performance Plans
- Member States
Air navigation services is a term that brings together a range of services provided to aircraft to ensure the safe flight of aircraft from one destination to another.
- Performance Plans
- Member States
Traficom is in charge of the structuring of the Finnish airspace and takes care of the approvals and permissions related to airspace, such as establishing temporary restricted areas and permissions for flying in a prohibited area.
- Performance Plans
- Member States
This document contains the Network Performance Plan (NPP) for Reference Period 3 (RP3) 2020-2024, in compliance with the Performance Regulation (EU) 317/2019 and the ATM Network Function Regulation (EU) 123/2019 (NF regulation).
- Performance Plans
- Network PP